The Honorable David J. Shulkin, MD
The Honorable David J. Shulkin, MD
Dr. David Shulkin brings to ArmadaHealth a distinguished career of leadership and accomplishments through his many roles in health systems, academic institutions, clinical practice, and government service, highlighted by a demonstrated focus on quality in healthcare. Most recently, Dr. Shulkin served as Secretary of the Veterans Administration (V.A.) under President Donald Trump and as Under Secretary for Health, having been appointed by President Barack Obama and confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate under both administrations. Prior to appointments at the V.A., Dr. Shulkin was a widely respected healthcare executive having served as chief executive of leading hospitals and health systems including Beth Israel in New York City and Morristown Medical Center in northern New Jersey.
In the late 1990s, Dr. Shulkin founded and led DoctorQuality, an innovator in pay-for-performance, referred to as a Quality Benefit Management (QBM) company. It was one of the first consumer sources of information for quality and safety in healthcare. DoctorQuality also had a similar mission to ArmadaHealth, leveraging a data-intensive, quality-based platform to connect consumers to providers.
In addition to his esteemed career as a health system leader, Dr. Shulkin has also held numerous clinical leadership roles including the Chief Medical Officer of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University Hospital, and the Medical College of Pennsylvania Hospital. Dr. Shulkin has held academic positions including the Chairman of Medicine and Vice Dean at Drexel University School of Medicine. He continues to work with academia, health systems and healthcare companies to provide guidance in national health policy and strategy.