Specialty Insurance
Healthcare benefits that speak to members and clients.
Delivering added value with a product often viewed as a commodity can be challenging. With QualityCare ConnectSM, you deliver a highly personal healthcare experience for members and a cost effective product for clients. QualityCare Connect empowers members to find the best medical care for their condition. We do the legwork, so they can focus on getting healthy.
How insurance plans benefit from
QualityCare Connect
Reduce Employee Insurance Expenses
Identify ideal specialists for 5% of employees who account for 50% of claims
Eliminate Lost Time at Work Expenses
Accurate referrals prevent misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments that result in lost productivity
Differentiate Your Product Offering
Stand out in the mind of clients and members with a unique and competitive offering
Grow Premium Retention Rates
Capture and keep members with a valued benefit
Upsell Opportunities for Entire Family Coverage
Easily expand offerings to family members for additional growth and revenue potential
Improve Patient Satisfaction and Net Promoter Scores
Engage members with exceptional healthcare experiences
Maximize Client Cost Savings
Reduce healthcare costs with ideal specialist referrals